Using async disposable and async enumerable in frameworks older than .NET Core 3.0

One of the awesome features introduced in .NET Core 3.0 and C# 8.0 are async streams. The feature consists of two parts - async disposable, for async clean up, as well as async enumerable, for async iteration.

Normally, the C# language features are backwards compatible and can be used regardless of the runtime framework being targeted. In this particular case, however, the newly introduced types that are needed for async streams feature to work, such as for example IAsyncDisposable or IAsyncEnumerator, were only added in .NET Core 3.0, restricting the usage of the features to that runtime, and later.

Let’s have a look at how you can still benefit from async disposable and async enumerable on older frameworks.

Instantiating an object without using its constructor in C#

In this blog post we will look at how you could create an instance of an object in C# without calling its constructor - which sounds a bit crazy, but is actually something that has been supported by both CLR and Core CLR for a long time now.

More after the jump.

dotnet-script 0.50 is out – with support for .NET Core 3.0!

We have some exciting news to announce - dotnet-script is now supporting .NET Core 3.0.

We released the new version 0.50.0, with .NET Core 3.0 support already on September 25th, two days after .NET Core 3.0 went RTM, but kept quiet about it. The reason was that a large part of the scripting experience is the tooling in OmniSharp and the C# Extension for VS Code, and that had to be updated accordingly too.

“Implementing” a non-public interface in .NET Core with DispatchProxy

Reflection is a tremendously powerful concept in .NET, which every C# developer, sooner or later, ends up working with. It is very useful for a lot of perfectly honest scenarios such as for example assembly scanning, type discovery or all kinds of application composability features.

However, it can also be used to circumvent the public API surface of the dependencies you consume - to modify them or gain access to things that the author of your dependency didn’t exactly envision. That said, this process of “hacking around” is very typical for C# development world and, albeit somewhat risky, it sometimes might be the only way out of a coding jam you are in.

Things start to get interesting if you are forced to implement a non-public (for example internal) interface. At that point, the “basic” reflection can’t help anymore, so let’s have a look at how we can do it.

Dynamic controller routing in ASP.NET Core 3.0

One of the great extensibility points in the routing feature of the older versions of the ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core MVC frameworks was the ability to pick up any route and dynamically point it at a given controller/action.

This had a lot of excellent use cases - as we will briefly see - and since ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 7, the feature is actually finally available in ASP.NET Core 3.0 (despite not being mentioned in the official release blog post).

So, let’s have a look at dynamic routing in ASP.NET Core 3.0 together!

EditorConfig support in OmniSharp and C# extension VS Code

Recently, I blogged about Roslyn analyzers support in OmniSharp and C# extension VS Code and some background on how that feature came together.

Today I am pleased to announce that in the latest OmniSharp release - 1.33.0, where we have shipped another large feature (in fact, the 2nd most requested feature in OmniSharp repo, after, well, analyzers) and that is support for EditorConfig.

Between then, and the time it took me to finally write this post, we actually have 1.34.0 which is even better - and is in fact included in the corresponding release 1.21.0 of the C# extension for VS Code.

More after the jump.

Building a C# Interactive shell in a browser with Blazor (WebAssembly) and Roslyn

In this post I wanted to show you how to write and embed a C# interactive shell (a REPL - read-evaluate-print-loop) in a browser, on top of WebAssembly.

The REPL will give you fully fledged C# interactive development playground, while still being completely sandboxed in the browser environment. I originally wrote this example for my session at Dotnet Cologne on May 10 this year.

More after the jump.

Reactive Azure Service Bus messaging with Azure Event Grid

Earlier this month, I wrote an article for my friends over at DotNetCurry. They run a free digital magazine called DNC Magazine, that comes out every 2 months, is free to download and to which I occasionally contribute. The article is entitled “Reactive Azure Service Bus messaging with Azure Event Grid”. In the article, I explore Service Bus integration with Azure Event Grid, and the advantages and scenarios it brings to the table.

Roslyn analyzers and code fixes in OmniSharp and VS Code

Recently we merged a big (albeit still experimental) feature into OmniSharp - the support for Roslyn analyzers.

I wanted to take a few moments today to discuss this feature with you, share some background info, show you how to get it enabled and share some plans for the next steps.

Elegant way of producing HTTP responses in ASP.NET Core outside of MVC controllers

ASP.NET Core 2.1 introduced support for a little (or, should I say, not at all) documented feature called IActionResultExecutor. It allows us to use some of the action results -those that we are used to from MVC controllers - outside of the controller context, so for example from a middleware component.

Kristian has a great blog post about result executors, that I recommend you check out. From my side, I wanted to show you today a set of extension methods that were recently introduced into WebApiContrib.Core that make working with IActionResultExecutor and in general authoring HTTP endpoints outside of controllers even easier.


Hi! I'm Filip W., a cloud architect from Zürich 🇨🇭. I like Toronto Maple Leafs 🇨🇦, Rancid and quantum computing. Oh, and I love the Lowlands 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿.

You can find me on Github and on Mastodon.

My Introduction to Quantum Computing with Q# and QDK book
Microsoft MVP